Zirq participating in podcasts and videos

See our overview of where we have participated in podcasts and videos about us.


12.2023 | Thomas Mørch, CEO & Kristine Laake-Bjurquist, CSO | Zirq Solutions | Pioneering Circularity med NG Group: Pionerer i praksis: Global medisinsk avfallsgjenvinning

06.2023 | Michael Bayer Thomsen | SVP Zirq Medical | Green Business With Impact

12.2022 | Thomas Mørch | CEO Zirq Solutions | #PolyPod - Full Sirkel: Kan medisinsk avfall få nytt liv? - Polyteknisk Forening

11.2022 | Kristine Laake-Bjurquist | CSO Zirq Solutions | Bærekraftslederne med Pål Svenssen